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  • Update 18/6/2020

    Thu 18 Jun 2020

    Dear Parents and Carers


    I hope you are all keeping well. I know the news of lots of our children not coming back to school before the end of term has left lots of parents feeling upset. We are continuing to follow the guidelines from the government and will not be increasing school places due to lack of staff and rooms. Whilst the 15 children in a class limit is in place we are restricted to what we can do. We are monitoring the situation closely, and hoping for further relaxing to enable us to do some face to face transition before the end of the year (probably towards the end of July). For our Year 2 children moving to Year 3, we are looking for ways to try to say goodbye. We are all very upset by the situation and want nothing more to open our doors for everyone. Very sadly, we cannot.


    Yesterday it was confirmed to myself and other heads during a webinar with Public Health England that we are still currently classed as stage 4 in the pandemic. They confirmed we were at the bottom of stage 4, and are hoping that we will move to stage 3 soon. We are still restricted by class numbers and to think of our classes as a social 'bubble' or 'pod'. This is to limit the spread of infection if somebody has a confirmed case of Covid-19. We were advised to remind parents that social distancing is still in place. Some elements have been relaxed, however limiting how many people you see/are in contact with is important. Please find attached the latest guidance regarding social distancing. If your child is attending school, they are already in a social bubble with up to 15 children and two members of staff. If it comes to our attention they are mixing with different larger groups of children outside of school, such as the park , who are not in their school bubble, then potentially you are putting the whole school at risk of closing if we have a confirmed Covid case. In the case of keyworker children, we will retract the place offered, if children are attending any group activities with children who are not in their bubble. There are waiting lists for both groups, so your place will be filled quickly.



    We hope everyone has enjoyed their zoom calls last week. I know the teachers have allocated time for them each week to talk to the children. We are also updating blogs and videos as well as the learning on Year Group learning pages. The children in the Keyworker bubbles are doing exactly the same learning set as their respective year groups, and this is the same for Year R children who are not in school. Keyworker children attend on days their parents need them to, not every day, so there is no advantage for them. It is a necessary for keyworkers to do their essential roles, as recognised by the government. Because the groups grew much bigger, as per the wider opening guidance from 1st June, we were able to create a Year 1 group and a Year 2 group, making some curriculum work possible. It is still not like school as we know it and lots of activities take place outside as they are at home.  We have been amazed at the learning that is taking place by the majority of families-both set by us and by you! All the children are happy when we call and we love hearing from them. I have put a new story to share on the video section today.


    Lastly, we had a visit from our new Otter class teacher, Miss Miners, this week . She said hello to all the current Bat Class, who will be with her in September. It was lovely for them to see  their new teacher.


    I hope you are all keeping well


    Best wishes


    Mrs Riches



  • The end of Year R's first week back

    Fri 12 Jun 2020

    Dear Parents and Carers


    We have had a successful first week back with our Year R children. Our one way system and longer drop off time has meant a continual flow around the school, rather than lots of children waiting. The teachers have all loved teaching children in a class again. I can hear some of them making their zoom calls to small groups at the moment. I tried my first one yesterday as an 'open' zoom, with some parents and children in Year 2. It was lovely to see you! Don't worry if you missed it. Next week I will try some more of these. I will email a link out with different time slots for different classes, and you and your children can pop in to see me on zoom.


    The DFE (Department For Education) updated their information yesterday for parents and carers. Lots of parents have asked me about the 'big plan' for catch up over the summer that was announced by the prime minister the night before last. Headteachers have not been given any more news than parents, and we find out information at the same time as you. As soon as I hear any more, I will let you know.


    Please find the link to the updated guidance below:


    I too was disappointed by the announcement of children being unable to start back, especially with more venues opening. I hope that the government continues to endeavour to find a safe solution for children returning to school


    I hope you are all keeping well

    Mrs Riches

  • Monday 8th June

    Mon 08 Jun 2020

    Dear Parents and Carers


    Today we saw some of Year R children return to school. I cannot tell you how lovely it is that we have children in school again. We have all missed them so much. Although some were a little hesitant on the way in, they were really excited to see their friends and any nerves were soon forgot. We have made a little video for all parents in Year R. For those who have children in, it is a little way to see that they are ok. For those parents who are still undecided about coming back to school, seeing it in action may help you to make a decision. We have even managed a last minute surprise for Bubble 6-Mrs Wombell will be able to be with them outside at lunch time! This was organised very last minute but they are so excited!

    Click our video here:


    You will all be receiving ZOOM invites for Fridays with your teachers (Otter class your zoom meetings will be with Mrs Campone and Mrs Belton). We will be holding them in little groups, so hopefully everyone will have a chance to talk. Before the meeting you may want to get some things that your child wants to show their teacher that they have learned or made (saves them running off to find them). A grown up will need to stay in the room during the meeting. We are getting a lot better at technology, and thank you for bearing with us on our upskilling. Teachers are really enjoying talking to all the children and answering all your emails. Some teachers are a lot better at telephone calls and some are a lot better at emailing. We are all still learning at these strange times. Now teachers are in class Monday to Thursday, Friday is our day for catching up with you all. Hopefully you have all seen the learning on the site for this week.


    If you have a child starting in Year R, then you should have found your way to our new parents page. Here, there is lots of information for our new starters. Over the next few weeks, more videos will be added here. We are also getting a pack to deliver to you for the summer holidays before you start. Hopefully we will have a few transition face to face sessions in very small groups and will let you know your teacher and classes soon.


    All children in Year R, 1 and 2 will be moving to their next year group as the class they are in normally e.g. Bat Class will move as a class. This is to help with transition back into school, whenever that may be. It isn't how we normally do things, but we want to ease any anxieties and the familiarity of their classmates will hopefully help when we start back. I said to many of you that the children are more excited about seeing their friends than adults when they were in keyworker groups. The same has happened in the Year R Bubbles.


    Year 2 had a treat in their emails on Friday with their video from Mr Campbell all about their new classes. If you haven't watched it have a look in your inboxes (it is restricted viewing to Year2 children only, so I cannot post a link here).



    We would like to welcome Miss Ellie Miners to our growing team. She will be in Otter Class next year, while Mrs Moth will be out of class, teaching in all year groups. For children currently in Bat class, Miss Harper will be your new teacher. We will be putting pictures and videos of Miss Miners, along with Miss Whitehead and Miss Harper on our website soon.


    Lastly, I heard about a free virtual festival that is starting on Saturday that anybody can attend. Some of the workshops look good fun, especially the craft ones. It is called 'The Happy Place' Festival and is being organised by Fearne Cotton. If anybody finds any other good websites, please pass them along to us and we will promote them to parents on here.


    Kind regards


    Mrs Riches




    Thu 04 Jun 2020

    We will be reopening to Year R children on Monday 8th June. There is an email sent to all parents explaining the situation in your inboxes. If you are a parent of a Year R child who was undecided, or have not let us know of your intention to send your child back to school, please can you email or telephone us to let us know of your intentions next week.


    Below is how the day will run, with some site safety rules. Please read through them carefully.


    Thank you for your patience in our decision to delay.


    Kind regards


    Mrs Riches


    Running of the Day for Year R Children Monday to Thursday

    Drop off (8.30 to 9am): Walk-in one-way system. 1 adult per child. Please drop your child off from a safe distance outside their classroom and walk around the school to exit from the Year 2 gate and down the car ramp (Blue gates - coned off to stop traffic driving in).

    Each child will be in their allocated Bubble with up to 14 classmates throughout the day. There will be no set playtimes. Children will not mix with other Bubbles and we cannot swap children between Bubbles.

    Lunch: will be served to the children in containers in their classroom. Menu choices will be emailed on the Friday before, so that parents can discuss these with their children.

    Snacks: there will be no fruit deliveries this half term. Children can therefore bring a piece of fruit/cereal bar from home. This needs to be put with their water bottle outside their classroom.

    Sunhats and water bottles can be brought from home.

    Throughout the day, children will remain with the same two members of staff. In line with current government guidance, staff will only wear personal protective equipment (PPE) when administering first aid.

    Pick up: will be between 2.45 and 3.10pm. Please do not arrive later than 3.10pm.

    Uniform: as near to school uniform as you can. Socks must be worn, and trainers can be worn if school shoes no longer fit.

    Site Safety

    Please do not arrive at the school earlier than the times stated, as the gate will be closed and social distancing harder to achieve. We are discouraging any waiting time outside of the classroom door. By allowing a 30 minute drop off window, we hope a natural staggering will occur, as has happened with keyworkers. This will be reviewed over the coming weeks.

    Only 1 adult per child is allowed on the school site at any time. If you do walk to school together, please do not wait by the entrance to the school as this is a narrow ‘pinch point’ and difficult to socially distance yourself from other people who are passing.

    Please continue around the one-way system after dropping off.

    Children must not be allowed to run on ahead. They need to be with you at all times. If your child finds walking next to you difficult, please hold their hand.

    The only time the one-way system does not need to be used is for pick up from keyworker groups after 3.30pm. At this time, you can access the school from the Year 2 gate. We have made this decision, as many children are being picked up earlier, so there will not be as many parents and children onsite.

    The school office is not open to any visitors. If you need to speak to a member of staff, please telephone or email.

    Collections for hampers will continue on Mondays between 10am and 1pm

    Running of the Day for Year R Children Monday to Thursday

    Drop off (8.30 to 9am): Walk-in one-way system. 1 adult per child. Please drop your child off from a safe distance outside their classroom and walk around the school to exit from the Year 2 gate and down the car ramp (Blue gates - coned off to stop traffic driving in).

    Each child will be in their allocated Bubble with up to 14 classmates throughout the day. There will be no set playtimes. Children will not mix with other Bubbles and we cannot swap children between Bubbles.

    Lunch: will be served to the children in containers in their classroom. Menu choices will be emailed on the Friday before, so that parents can discuss these with their children.

    Snacks: there will be no fruit deliveries this half term. Children can therefore bring a piece of fruit/cereal bar from home. This needs to be put with their water bottle outside their classroom.

    Sunhats and water bottles can be brought from home.

    Throughout the day, children will remain with the same two members of staff. In line with current government guidance, staff will only wear personal protective equipment (PPE) when administering first aid.

    Pick up: will be between 2.45 and 3.10pm. Please do not arrive later than 3.10pm.

    Uniform: as near to school uniform as you can. Socks must be worn, and trainers can be worn if school shoes no longer fit.

    Site Safety

    Please do not arrive at the school earlier than the times stated, as the gate will be closed and social distancing harder to achieve. We are discouraging any waiting time outside of the classroom door. By allowing a 30 minute drop off window, we hope a natural staggering will occur, as has happened with keyworkers. This will be reviewed over the coming weeks.

    Only 1 adult per child is allowed on the school site at any time. If you do walk to school together, please do not wait by the entrance to the school as this is a narrow ‘pinch point’ and difficult to socially distance yourself from other people who are passing.

    Please continue around the one-way system after dropping off.

    Children must not be allowed to run on ahead. They need to be with you at all times. If your child finds walking next to you difficult, please hold their hand.

    The only time the one-way system does not need to be used is for pick up from keyworker groups after 3.30pm. At this time, you can access the school from the Year 2 gate. We have made this decision, as many children are being picked up earlier, so there will not be as many parents and children onsite.

    The school office is not open to any visitors. If you need to speak to a member of staff, please telephone or email.

    Collections for hampers will continue on Mondays between 10am and 1pm

School Illustration